Extension Cords can be damaged in many different ways, from dragging then along the ground to running over them with vehicles or closing them in a door. Perhaps the most common damage comes from pulling out the cord by the cord—not the plug. Eventually, this stretches out the cord wires and separates the sheathing, or outer jacket, from the plug, exposing the cord wires. One more result of wear and tear is the ground prong coming loose. When any of these forms of damage occurs, it’s time to replace the plug.https://b7fb0610f825fbb296bf4a3b2df96a68.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.html
Repairing Extension Cords
Replacing a plug is an easy job that takes only a few minutes. It’s also the only repair you should make to an extension cord. Cords with damaged sheathing, exposed wires, or other damage to the cord itself should be replaced. Just wrapping the damaged cord with electrical tape isn’t good enough. You don’t know how much damage the cord has suffered, and electrical tape provides unreliable protection against shock. https://b7fb0610f825fbb296bf4a3b2df96a68.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.html
Extension cords come in many forms, as so do the replacement plugs used to fix them. Make sure to choose a plug that is suited for the cord—a grounded three-prong plug if the cord has a ground wire, a two-prong polarized plug for simple household extension cords, etc.https://b7fb0610f825fbb296bf4a3b2df96a68.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.html
The project demonstrated here shows how to replace the plug on a typical medium-duty grounded extension cord.